DR650's Interest Page

Basic Setup

To run the applications I don't think you need anything more than the default OS and Browser.

To support OSX 10.5.7 and up, with Java Update 4, I originally planned to compile everything with javac -target 1.5. However that quickly became a mess due to the JOGL jar being deployed as 1.6, so I had to re-order the Java preferences.

To reorder Java versions in Mac OSX 10.5.7, use the Finder and launch "Applications/Utilities/Java Preferences" then drag Java SE 6 to the top of the two panes.

Testing JNLP Setup

Sun's Notepad application. You should be able to click on it and see it work.

JAR signing

Note : This is a follow-on to the JOGL demos I posted previously. If you already stepped through that, the signing should be done and you can skip over this section.

The common nehe.jar file and the individual lesson .jar files need to be signed before the demos will run on Mac OSX (and perhaps others). Interestingly, Fedora 11 allows running unsigned .jar files as long as you click to allow it.

To sign the .jar files before deploying (the common nehe.jar and the lesson file of interest) it's just a matter of :

1) Follow the basic instructions at : Self-signed Certificates

2) Sign and deploy the common .jar file :

[localhost demos]$ cp /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk- /tmp
[localhost demos]$ jarsigner -keystore ~/myKeystore -storepass mystorepw -keypass mykeypw /tmp/nehe.jar mykey
[localhost demos]# su
[localhost demos]# cp /tmp/nehe.jar /var/www/html/path-to-deployment/
[localhost demos]# exit

3) Sign and deploy the lesson of interest :

[localhost demos]$ cp ~/jogl/path-to-jar/file.jar /tmp
[localhost demos]$ jarsigner -keystore ~/myKeystore -storepass mystorepw -keypass mykeypw /tmp/file.jar mykey
[localhost demos]# su
[localhost demos]# cp /tmp/file.jar /var/www/html/path-to-deployment/
[localhost demos]# exit

NeHe JNLP Warning

Note : These are self-signed unlimited access applications, as they need to access native libraries for JOGL. I don't recommend running them as I have not personally checked all the code in the openGL/java/JOGL ports of the NeHe Tutorials. Mostly these here for my internal testing.

If you say "Yes" to granting my self-signed applications unlimited access to your machine, and the application drinks all your beer or frags your computer(s), don't blame me.

NeHe Lessons as JNLP Applications

NeHe's Lesson 01 -- Creating a basic OpenGL Window